By Chloe Powers on Friday, 25 September 2020
Category: Angela’s Pure Salon & Spa

Why You Should Be Using Cloth Diapers Instead of Conventional Throwaways!

What do you look for when buying diapers? Are you focused on the ingredients, the fit, how absorbent they are or the price point; or maybe all four of these! I can’t even tell you how many times I have read posts of parents who are on the hunt for diapers that wont leak, but in reality a diaper can only hold so much before they just need to be replaced with a new one!

I have always been interested in ingredients in products, especially products we put on our little babies. I would drive myself crazy trying to find products I can truly trust to put on my baby’s skin, and sadly I still haven’t found much. There are so many harmful ingredients in almost everything, down to our children’s diapers. This I found very stressful since this is on their skin 24/7. I knew I wasn’t comfortable putting harmful ingredients on my delicate baby, especially knowing what it could cause down the road. Aside from this, diapers are the third largest consumer item in landfills, which is about 30% of non biodegradable waste . Have you ever wondered what is in your child’s diapers that absorbs the pee? This is the Sodium Polyacrylate, which is in almost all disposable diapers and turns the liquid into a gel. Another red flag for me was the strip that turns a different color letting you know that your baby has peed! So many people see this as a “cool” feature, but in reality this is just another toxic chemical added to our baby products that is touching their skin all day long.

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